Seriously, today I am PUMPED like WOW. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling today's pump-levels are going to be SKY HIGH...I've just got a good goddamn feeling! The future's so bright I gotta wear shades. But not today, cause it's raining out and if you wore shades you'd just look like a jackass, and does anyone really remember that song anyway...ah shit, I'm rambling. This PUMP is gettin' the best of me, gettin' too JACKED UP! Gotta focus. Ok. Deep breaths.
It's hard to describe in words just how pumped I really truly am right now, so I guess I'll try to describe my PUMP levels with some poor quality pics...
First off, if it's raining, and maybe you've been battling being sick all week, but not like swine-flu sick, just kinda stuffy, sore-throat sick, AND you wanna get pumped while battling the common cold, well, this will fix ya right up!! COMBO-PUMP!

Next, do something you wouldn't usually do... say, punch your best friends in the face. Do it. IT WILL PUMP YOU UP. POW! PUMP-PUNCH!

I've probably posted this photo on the Pbath before, but I'm just too lazy to go back and see if I really did or not. But anyhoo, it PUMPS ME UP. So it's fourth grade. You're about to make the game-winning shot in a playoff basketball game against the rival school. You'd want your parents there to see you in all your glory, right?? pump. But if Phil Collins and Mask show up?!?! BONUS PUMP!!!

By this time you're probably so JACKED that you'd just like to sit it out and watch some other dudes get JACKED pumpin' iron, right? Then this clip is for you. LOLz at the end, where Arnold gets blazed. BODY-PUMP!
Wow, what a day. I bet you'd probably like to see just how PUMPED you were today, right? RAWT?!?! Go ahead and make a PUMP-GRAPH in your office. Don't worry, the boss won't mind. Chartin' the PUMP-PROGRESS!

The dayquil and mccafe is the best-- I laughed super hard--
these blogs just dont compare to having you around in real life- person like
lol @ dayquil and coffee. you've always been so crazy, meatman!
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