Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gaslight Anthem at the Cabooze

A few awesome friends and I went to this show last week at the PACKED Cabooze in MPLS, and needless to say, it was quite amazing. Whiskey shots, TEAM DRINK chants, hugs, laughs, good music, great times!!! Such a completely kick ass night, and Gaslight was quite worth all the hype they've received as well. By far the BEST part of their set however came as a cover of Hot Water Music's "Trusty Chords", which about 10 people in the crowd seemed to recognize. LOVED it.

Oh, sorry Crista and Condor, you guys were chillin' outside during this I believe, haha, but here's what ya missed...

The Gaslight Anthem - "Trusty Chords" (cover)

Minneapolis, MN - 10/3/09


Extreme Ash said...

I was gonna say "I DON'T REMEMBER THAT!!!" but I was also quite wasted by that point. Hrm.

Such a good show.

cristabell said...

hahaha awww this was the best time ever, you finally saw me wasted!