Sit down and get comfortable children, as I tell you just one of the many legendary tales in the ongoing saga that is... HUMP DAY PUMP UP.
So I strolled into the office the other morning, with my Large McCafe Coffee in hand, and I immediately started just pounding my fist on everyone's desks. HOLY BEJEEZUS I was so AMPED that day! Not only did Mickey D's provide me with the usual liquid pumpage, but it's now MONOPOLY season, son!!! That rare time of the year where everyone in the office agrees to consume 25% more McDonalds products in hopes of collecting game pieces that will surely lead to THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN PRIZES, or, inevitably, a ONE WAY TICKET OUTTA HERE. haha, WISHFUL THINKING PUMP!!!
Anyway some bro-dudes I work with happened to notice my display of sheer PUMPAGE goin' on, and they immediately started gettin' absolutely JACKED UP as well! High-fives were just a flyin', the PUMP was SPREADING... BRO-PUMP!
Holy crap, our office was rockin' out so hard, the PUMP VIBES could be felt miles away! In fact, there were these two girls in a rock club 13.5 miles away that felt the HUMP DAY PUMP UP vibes wash over them, and of course they immediately broke down and became giddy as little school girls. THIS PUMP WAS POWERFUL.
The PUMP was gainin' momentum, and FAST. People throughout the land were getting so DAMN PUMPED, but of course not everyone could handle the PUMPAGE. Some dudes got so PUMPED they just started eating random shit, and FREAKING OUT...
(LOL at 0:32)
Some dudes got so PUMPED their heads just went ahead and friggin' EXPLODED! Bam. TOO PUMPED.
Some dudes' heads didn't quite explode, they just flat out started falling off. I shit you not, this PUMP UP was making dudes' heads fall off!! But the chicks throughout the land were so damn PUMPED that they didn't even notice. If anything, the ladies became even MORE attracted to the headless dudes...
Finally the PUMP started slowing down, and eventually came to an end. Another Wednesday had come and gone, and Thursday was upon us. After the dust had cleared, everything slowly returned back to normal. Well, almost everything...
And thus ends our tale for today. Good luck to you all as you struggle through that mid-week hump!
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8 years ago
ahahhahaa how have i never seen that picture before, it is AMAZING!!!
How did I miss this until now--
I wish I would have missed it ooonnnee more day- then I would have read it on my actual Wednesday- which if tonight is any indicator- will be a bit rough
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