You guys remember SURGE??!!??!! This shit was awesome!!!! It was a delicious, delicious soda treat that was energy-glow green in color, loaded with essential sugars and caffeines, and freakin' tasted like a roundhouse kick to the face (not sure what that means)!!! Anyhoo, here's a few of my fondest SURGE memories....

*One time SURGE sponsors came to our school, and held a muthafuckin' SURGE PEP RALLY!!! Dudes were just throwin' cans of SURGE into the crowd, there was a SURGE freegin' DRINKING CONTEST... Dear god man, this would shit would NEVER fly today! It's a battle just to keep pop machines in schools these days... a goddamn PEP RALLY for soda??? Unheard of. Makes me feel old. PUMP!
*At aforementioned SURGE RALLY, Mitchell Fremstad won a neon green SURGE t-shirt. Don't know why i remember that, but I KNOW he did. That shirt was ugly as hell. I wonder if he still has it? PUMP!
*My best friend and I would stay up all night, just BUZZIN' offa SURGE. We'd get pumped and play Nirvana cassettes and just ROCK OUT with our beaded necklaces on, it ruled. PUMP!
*The SURGE gods somehow got my address, and I was sent a TOTALLY KICK ASS SURGE CD!! It was just this random promo, but I distinctly remember Jimmy Eat World's 'Seventeen' on there, and this punk-ish song called 'Vitamins' that got me ALL JACKED UP when I'd be drinkin' my SURGE! DOUBLE PUMP!!

*Years after the sad departure of SURGE, my friend and I found cans of it on Ebay. We almost forked out the $20 or whatever ridiculous price it was... not for the nostalgia value of owning the can, but to ACTUALLY CRACK THAT BAD BOY OPEN AND TASTE THE SOUL-QUENCHING NECTAR OF THE GODS ONE LAST TIME!!!!
*Holy shit, there's a website dedicated to SAVING SURGE!!
I'll let all you SURGE aficionados in on a little known secret... SURGE STILL EXISTS!!! Coca Cola just decided to slap a different label on it... VAULT. But trust me, VAULT IS SURGE!!! VAULT IS SURGE!!!!!! Enjoy. Happy Pump Day!

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