You see, as I entered Subway on this beautiful summer night, my first thought was, "Dammit, bad timing", as I noticed the horde of hungry people lined up for tasty tasty meat treats that can only come from Subway. I really hate waiting in line, but when you're paying 5 measly dollars for a tube of bread loaded with balls of meat, sweet zesty sauce, and fresh, crunchy fixins, what can ya do? So I waited. And waited. Really lady? You don't know what kind of bread you want, yet you've been standing in line 10 minutes? C'mon!
So it's finally my turn to order, and I decide to rock a footlong meatball on Monterey Cheddar. Sounds perfect, right? Well my friends, all was not right in the Subway world this fine evening. As I placed my order with Luis the Mexican Sandwich Artist (I call him that, cause employees there are known as 'sandwich artists'... and he was a Mexican), I watched in horror as Luis (pronounced 'lew-eece') dug around the hot bin with his scooper-thingy, only to pull out an empty tub where those delicious meatballs usually dwell. My heart sank as I watched Luis scramble to the back, reappearing with a new tub of cold meatballs. A tear almost emerged from my eye as I see Luis hit '8 minutes' on the microwave. 8 more minutes before my beatiful sub sandwich creation is even close to completion! Ugggghhh.

Well, what could I do? I felt my stomach grumbling in complaint as I helplessly let 3 other people by me in line - giving them a free pass right to the "fixin's zone", as I like to call it. Finally the microwave went off, the meatballs were DONE! THE MEATBALLS WERE DONE! My mouth was watering intensely at this point as Luis quickly pulled the meatballs from the microwave and began urgently dumping meat onto my sub. But whoa, something was happening. Holy shit, I couldn't believe my eyes...
As Luis, the Mexican Sandwich Magician proceeded to place the designated 8 meatballs on my sub, I watched in amazement as he KEPT GOING!!! Yes indeedy fellow puddingbathers, he kept on truckin' to 12 MEATBALLS! I shit you NOT, TWELVE MUTHA FUCKIN' MEATBALLS!!! That has just got to be against some Subway policy, or maybe Luis had just had a hard day and was starting to lose it, I dunno man, but there were 12 beautiful, glistening meat chunks on my sandwich. Ok, it might have been 10, but it was still SO meatful, I was freakin' out, hard.

"Sorry for wait" says Luis.
No need to apologize Luis, you are the fuckin' man! Gettin' absolutely crazy wit dem meatballs, son! OMG to the MAX!
My pumped levels were off the charts. I carried my heavy meat-sack home in excitement, then ripped that bad boy open and enjoyed what I will now label the BEST goddamn Subway sandwich I've ever had, EVER. I mean, MEAT BITE after MEAT BITE. I had meatballs just rollin' outta my sandwich. It was messy, it was beautiful, it was an epic meal. Say what you will about Subway... sure, it's no Quizno's... or even Jimmy Johns, but I'll be DAMNED if I ever get the same glorius meaty experience as I did at Subway today.
Thank you Luis, and thank you Subway, for making dreams come true.
lol @ "tube of bread". also lol, i sneezed right when i was typing the "@", and accidently pressed the "l" button, so it looked like 'lol @l "tube of bread"'.
The fixins zone... I love it. My favorite thing to do at subway is to order spinach instead of lettuce. for 98% of people out there, the first thing they say at the fixins zone is lettuce. Therefore, when i say 'spinach' the fixins distributor always feints to the lettuce before redirecting to the spinach bin...
haha ha awwweesssommmmeee I am crying now
thank you. I can got to bed happy--
but hungry
1> I also like to divert the sandwich artist (or sandwich magicians) with a spinach fake-out. More vitamins than that iceburg shit!
2> Also crying I'm laughing so hard.
3> When I first read the blog title "Meatiest Sandwich" I got kind of bummed (I'm being honest - don't hate) because there has been a TON of meat content here lately. Not that I don't like it, but variety is the spice of life. THEN I read the whole post and laughed my ass off out loud in my office like a crazy. Please write about meat as much as you want Dus, I was wrong to doubt.
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