So when I rolled into work exhausted today, fired up my laptop, and stumbled upon this gem of a pic, I knew I just had to share it with you. I really have nothing to say that can even attempt to explain what is going on in this scene, I'll leave that up to you. But one thing I can tell you... I love that internet. Kudos to you Al Gore. Not only can I now steal music, see naked people constantly, broadcast my random thoughts to a wider audience, and buy crap that I don't need without all that 'leaving the house' bullshit, I can now also get my (um, how to I put this?) alien-milk-rape-scene on!

First of all, YES, there was stumbling involved. There's that one bump in the carpet in the office that I trip over every time. Second, YES, I did find that pic a week ago, but then i bumped into this weird scientist dude who turned my Delorean into a time machine, and he took me one week into the future, so technically speaking i did find the milk alien pic today. Third, I did NOT move desks, everyone else in my department moved their desks around me. It is the world that is changing, i'm just staying the same. Fourthly, next time you decide to rock a fake mustache, grow a pair and do it on yer FACE, not yer hand ya wuss. You're on Friendship Timeout, duration 3 hours.
Jeeze sometimes I feel like we aren't even friends, you can't even tell me apart from my roomate... maybe if you would have actually showed up do our wonderful party friday night you would be able to make fun of us... but oh i don't think you were there - so you can't even complain.
and if i think back to a week ago... you were abandoned by your bff raskin who moved all the way across the room and decided to not sit next to you anymore so you were FORCED to move into your new spot without a window view. I WIN.
can I say a few things?
1. I saw the title of your post and get really hyped to read you rant about the differences between the two common milkfat varieties. I don't know why that would get me hyped, but it did.
2. The alien milk rape thing was totally unexpected and therefore hilarious.
3. You should write about which is better (2% or skim) and why.
4. You guys are a bunch of negative nancys. Your comment bickering was less than cool. It totally harshed my alien/milk/rape scene buzz.
5. Remind me to tell you about the grossest porno ever (which I haven't watched) but heard about. I think it might relate.
i can not believe you delete my comments.
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