Follow me on my journey to gettin' absolutely AMPED!! HUMP DAY PUMP UP ONCE AGAIN PEOPLE!!!* Seriously dudes, I AM FUCKIN' GOIN APESHIT RIGHT NOW.
So I started my Wednesday off with this, just to get the blood flowin' and my mind buzzin'...

Then I thought about lunch, which made me think about grillin' out, which made me think of my meal last weekend, which was this ridiculously awesome Juicy Lucy. (I can feel you starting to get pumped...)

Then I watched the following video and just absolutely started WRECKIN' THE PLACE. I threw my jar of pens off my desk and onto the floor, spin-kicked my boss in the face, and then peed in the ladies bathroom.
My co-workers could do nothing but stare in disbelief.

Whew! After all of that, I started to mellow out a bit, so I went for a walk...

Then I said F THAT MAN, gotta keep my pumped-up levels UP, so I stepped in front of some gamma rays and my skin got all green and my clothes just started a-rippin' off and I was SO PUMPED and my pecks got HUGE and it was great.

Happy Wednesday everyone, GET JACKED!
*also, I should note that the term 'Hump Day Pump Up' was coined by this man. I feel it's only fair to give him props, as he's probably pissed I'm milking his idea for all it's worth.
aaawwhhhhhhhh mmaaaannnnn that burger!!! A Juicy Lucy!!?!!!!??? :::::JEALOUS:::::: Eats lots and camping tooooooooooooo keep your burgers away from Savage
BEST BLOG OF THE WEEK. i nominate you.
i think some 5 hour energy is missing from this mix, and maybe a double kick, and a hand hug.
Dooood! i'm not sure how you found Heckyeah-man, but he's amazing - your post rocked the hiz-ouuse
p.s. i miss hand hugs
p.p.s my thumbs are lonely
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