Whoo! Summer is here! Forget Spring, let's just get right to the point. Flip-flops. Camping. The smell of burning charcoal. Ice cream trucks jingling down the street. Staring long and deep into the bonfire. Lightning storms. Lake swimming. Gazing up at the stars. Sweating. Hell yes.
You ever notice how all those people living in other parts of the country that have summer-like temperatures all year round tend to not notice or react to the "SUMMER IS HERE!" mood swing around this time?? I think we're really privileged to live in the midwest. Sometimes 4 months of being buried in the freezing cold bullshit makes you truly appreciate the warm sun glistening off your can of PBR as you turn over your burger on the grill. It makes me glad to think that a few months ago I was brushing snow off my car's windshield, hands frozen, nose running, cursing the bitter cold. Sometimes it takes pain to appreciate the pleasure. "As life gets longer, awful feels softer." Whoa man, that's like, deep... like backwoods Wisconsin deep. Ok, not really, but anyway, I'd like a bratwurst hot off the grill right now.
So three cheers to the approaching heat waves and the sunburns that go along with them. I personally can't wait to sit outside and get my lobster-red glow on. I'd truly like to camp out every single weekend, starting now, even if it's in my backyard by myself. Here's a vid from the best band in the world. This song puts me in my happy summer place.
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8 years ago
I would like to point out that I got burnt this weekend at the may day parade. It ruled.
also, you are a hipster...you mentioned a "glistening can of PBR" in your post.
I love camping.
fuucck yeah
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