If I had a dime for every time in my life that I've heard someone say "YOU'VE NEVER SEEN (INSERT POPULAR MOVIE NAME HERE)?!?!?!", I'd probably have like $500.38. (wha?)
I guess for a lot of these films, I've just heard enough about them through popular culture that I really don't have the desire to see them. In some cases, I've just flat out missed the movie, and never did anything to rectify the situation. I mean, one lazy afternoon of watching TNT and I could catch right up with the majority of America, but noooooo....
Anyway, here's a list of movies that you and everyone else I know have seen, yet I've somehow missed. Please, don't get pissed. I'm sorry.
GLADIATOR - I know, right? Am I man? Jeezus.
ARMAGEDDON - Remember when this was HUGE? And that Aerosmith song? Yep, I was too busy living in a cave. My bad.
FIELD OF DREAMS - Yeah, yeah I know. Sad thing is, this is probably one of my favorite movies, I just haven't gotten around to seeing it yet! Special apology to Benny J, I know you're pissed.
PURPLE RAIN - I guess this a must if you're living in Minneapolis. I did catch a glimpse of it on VH1 once, and it was the gayest thing I've ever seen. ("Androgynous, not gay," as my roommate put it)
BIG DADDY - Adam Sandler in his heyday. I think I've seen parts of it, does that count? Some kid eating ketchup?
ANY HUGH GRANT MOVIE - I guess this brit was big in the 90's. Missed it, don't care.
BETTER OFF DEAD - Lemme guess... John Cusack, probably in love with some girl, but there is an overpowering obstacle in his way of being with said girl. He raises a boombox over his head, playing Peter Gabriel. BAM, done. I think I got the gist of it, no need to see it, right???
THE SOUND OF MUSIC - Have a lot of people seen this one? I don't know, I think I was sick that day in 3rd grade.
And finally (drum roll please), the BIGGEST goddamn movie that I've never seen, despite constant harassment from friends and family throughout my life since 1986...
TOP GUN - Ok ok OK, I haven't seen it, and why should I?? I can sum it up quite nicely I believe... Fast Jets. Tom Cruise. Kenny Loggins song. They play volleyball. They sing "lost that loving feeling". Goose Dies. Done. No need to see the movie, I have a pretty good idea already. Am I wrong here???
Anyhoo, sorry guys, I'll do my best to be more aware of shit from now on.

I actually that Field of Dreams is the bigger loss on that list. You are correct sir, I am upset about that one. Your summary of top gun is pretty good, except you missed Berlin's hit song, "Take my Breath Away." and a special appearance by Tom Skerritt's mustache.
Also, there is a hot love scene in Top Gun that is totally worth watching.
Not seeing Field of Dreams = Epic Fail. Duh.
Also, you forgot What About Bob?
Not a blockbuster per say, but still a classic you haven't seen. Shame.
so you've never seen Top Gun, but have you seen HOT SHOTS?
i've only seen the sound of music...
i could name a million more the bigger one for me is tv - i've still never seen the simpsons.
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