Popcorn with salt on it is pretty much the best thing ever.
I salt Ramen noodles when i eat them. Pretty sure they already have about 500% of your daily value of sodium.
If I was in a band, the name might be "Salt Assault".
I have a salt sense. I salt my food before even tasting it, just cause I know it'll need salt. I can SENSE it.
If I had to choose between salt water taffy and regular taffy, you know where I'm goin' with this one...
I think there's a saying about the "salt of the earth". Is this just, like, salt? I mean, regular salt? Or is earth salt completely different?
Big soft pretzels with salt on them are pretty much the best thing ever.

If you lick your hand, it tastes salty, but this is gross salt.
When someone becomes angry or frustrated, some might say they are getting "salty". I like to get salty all the time, but not angry or frustrated, I just like to salt things.
In restaurants they put salt on the rim of margaritas. I always feel like a complete idiot when I lick the glass, but that's not gonna stop me from doing it anyway. It tastes good.
Corn on the cob with salt on it is pretty much the best thing ever.
I imagine Salt Lake City to be a pretty rad place.
Sometimes people who live by the woods put out a salt block for deer to like, uh, lick I guess. I'm not really sure what that's all about.
The sea is salty.
I ran out of salt ideas for this blog post, then I looked down at my keyboard as I was typing this and saw the 'Alt' button. I kinda wanna draw a little 'S' on it.