So I go to jam to some tunes on my ipizzle, and guess what? It's fuckin' wiped clean. Artists - none. Songs - none. Playlists I never use- none. 60 gigs of jams, completely gone. I have no idea how this occurred. Funny thing is, I was just having a convo with my buddy about how I should really start backing up everything, cause shit man, wouldn't that just suck so hard if i happened to lose years worth of music? Haha, then BLAMMO, my ipod decides to pull a Regarding Henry.
And ya know, I guess I didn't freak out as hard as I expected I would. Whatevs... music can be replaced. Getting music isn't like it used to be... I remember as a kid I would save up some cash, make the trip with Ma up to the Best Buy 20 miles away, and buy ONE ALBUM. (And by album i mean record, and by record I don't mean a piece of vinyl, I mean one complete, um, collection of musical recordings released on a given date... as in Michael Jackson's Thril...fuckit, you get it... an album.) I mean I would buy one single cassette tape or CD. I'd listen the shit outta that album, too. I'd know every lyric, every song inside and out. I'd lay on my bed and actually look at the cover art. I'd know the band member's names. I'd actually give two shits; the album was a sacred thing.
Nowadays? The true album experience is gone. "No, I've actually never gotten around to owning Dylan's Blood on the Tracks, but I'll just download that quick here... ah yep, got it. Deerhunter? Haven't heard 'em, but I'll illegally download their discography, listen to a few tracks, then leave it on my ipod to later be lost. You wanna get some burgers? Okay." Eazy-peezy, japaneezy. Worthless music...endless, meaningless mp3's...torrents, rips, burning, stealing... it's all too simple, and it's killing the fun of owning and treasuring a real album.
On another note, my buddy was at the mall and saw a girl with two heads. Rad.
favorite albums of 2016
8 years ago
1 comment:
I keep thinking of this blog post. Yep the music aspect. Danny and I were talking about this subject the other day as well. ps Write more in your blog (I like it) pps INDOOR CAMPING!!! get with it!
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