I'm so glad you made it through yet another day of your awesome life, and I'm extra mega glad you stumbled across this lil' ol' blog, on a THURSDAY of all days. Sorry for the lack of PUMP UP yesterday, sometimes ya just get caught up in the mix and ya forget to blog. But let it be known, you shall NEVER forget to PUMP.
So let's catch up. And let's make it super-amazingly pumpy today, cause you're ONE STEP CLOSER to the weekend!!! I hope this helps...
Close yer eyes. Seriously. I don't give two shits if you're at work, or in front of your girlfriend/boytoy, on the shitter on yer iPhone, in front of your parents, whatever. I don't care. Just listen to me, and close yer eyes. Ok wait, I put this in the wrong order. Alright, press PLAY on the video below, THEN close yer eyes. FEEL IT.
Ok, if you're really curious and need to watch the video, well, uh... spoiler alert, it's people from the 90's, dancing shittily, to really shitty graphics, er, from the 90's. Yeah, you're not really missing out on the video. But that SONG, oh my oh my, how PUMPY is that??? I'm seriously thinking of makin' it the official Wednesday theme song. No?
So I got together with some good friends once again to do what we humans do best (besides sleeping and shitting), EATING! On this particular night, the theme happened to be "Dips", so enjoy some pics of the now legendary DIP NIGHT!!!

Taco dip, buffalo chicken dip, hummus dip, guac dip, artichoke dip, crab wontons (w/ dip), reuben dip, veggie dip, dip dip dip... Follow that mega-feast up with some awesome TEAM PICS, and the pumpage is flowin!!

It was a great night of wonderful treats, and I wished I could have stayed longer, but it was gettin' late and I had to dip (ba-dum-ching! [that's the sound of a comedic drum noise])
...And be SURE to check in next week, as we're having... drumroll please... MEAT NIGHT.
I SHIT YOU NOT. A night of glorious meats. Meat everywhere. Come back next week and get meaty.
The greatest indie band of all time, PAVEMENT, has reunited, and is playin St. Paul! Sure you'll obviously check that out, but if you REALLY wanna get pumped, join me this summer on a lil' roadtrip to the PITCHFORK MUSIC FESTIVAL. DO IT. I promise maximum roadtrip pumpage, sweet tunes, pizza, fun, friendship, and other Chicago-ish festivities. PUMP!

(pavement, broken social scene, modestmouse, lcd soundsystem, more to come...)
I was job-huntin the other day, and lo and behold I came across my dream job!! BONUS PUMP!! I can't wait to start! So glad I found this flyer...




It's like a half man, half dog thing, feeding... uh. I just dunno man. I'm not exactly sure if this kinda thing necessarily PUMPS YOU UP, but I've already posted it and it would be too much work to take it down, so uh... enjoy??
PUMP SEVEN: All dogs go to heaven. Not really, but you can believe that if you want. Faith is important, right? Like the faith I have in YOU my friends, to take this PUMP gift today, embrace it, use it, then responsibly pass the pump along. Coworkers, family, homeless people, Subway employees... THEY ALL NEED TO BE PUMPED. And unfortunately during these tough economic times, not everyone has a PUMP SOURCE. So be someone's guiding light today, and do whatever you can to GET SOME ELSE PUMPED. If you succeed, well, gold star for you, and you have my undying respect and admiration. Play a friendly game of "Hot Pumptato", pass that shit around. Spread that PUMP, as we bring it on home to the weekend...
Someone brought in stuff to make rootbeer floats in the office today. Delicious!! And of course it only reminds me that summer is right around the corner. P TO THE UMP.
1 comment:
I sort of made a weird snorty-laugh noise when I saw the dream job posting.
Dream Career in Pudding.
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