You see, I never go out on weeknights anymore, cause I just can't hang with the youngsters like I used to, but for some god awful reason I thought a "Tuesday Night Fun Fest" was in order. Great time last night, extreme fun was had, but my oh my, I'm paying for it today in the form of a NEGA-PUMP. I'm doing my best to get out of the PUMP PIT, but nothing seems to be doin' the trick...
I tried listening to pumpy music... didn't work.

I tried drinking a 16oz pumpy energy drink... didn't work.

I tried getting positive encouragement from a coworker... didn't work. Major fail.

Even my typical Google image search pictures are lamer than usual today. Sad clown.

So you see my dear friends, I am in serious need of a PUMP INTERVENTION. And I think my only hope is from supporters of HUMP DAY PUMP UP. Please do your part today by donating $10 to the PUMP FUND by texting the word "PUMP" to 90999 I'm totally messing with you don't text I just made it up it's not real you're wasting a text message put down your phone I'm just fucking with you don't be an idiot there is no PUMP FUND (yet) and I'm just going to blow your money on booze and McDonalds don't do it.
But seriously, what you CAN do to help is to take your best shot at PUMPING ME UP. Submit your very own HUMP DAY PUMP UP entry in the comments section below. DO IT. It can be anything - a funny anecdote, a short story of something funny that happened to you at work, a link to a picture of James Brown doing the splits while pissing himself, it doesn't matter! Just let me know WHAT'S PUMPING YOU UP.
Don't worry about grammar or even making sense at all, just do your best to get me pumped. You can keep it totally anonymous (that means YOU, pervert!) so you can post anything you want. Ok, hows about this?? The person to get me THE MOST PUMPED will win a special treat. AND YOU KNOW I DON'T MESS AROUND WHEN IT COMES TO TREATS.
Submit your comment below.