Today I'm blogging about Lil' Smokies, cause they're goddamn delicious.
I can't really get my thoughts together right now to form complete paragraphs that sum up my feelings of adoration and appreciation for this delectable cocktail party treat, so I'll just give you some interesting FACTS about the national treasure known as "Lil' Smokies"...
-They are also referred to as "Cocktail Weenies" - a name equally, if not more, ridiculous.
-They're like little midget fingers in tangy sauce.
-Lil' Smokies taste way better when you use a toothpick.
-You get to use a toothpick. How often does that happen in life?
-These things were popular as shit back in the late 90's.
-When I'm at a baseball game and eating a normal hotdog, I always think two things:
1) "Would it be socially acceptable to put barbecue sauce on this?"
and 2) "I wish that rather than one big hot dog, I had 8 miniature hotdogs."
-I hear that some Lil' Smokie recipes call for grape jelly. Weird.

-If you're eating Lil' Smokies, then you're probably at some kick ass party or get-together for a football game. And if you're at a kick ass party, then you're probably drinking beer. And if you're drinking beer and eating Lil' Smokies, there's a good chance something is gonna get fucked up. Too much awesome.
-If someone actually had the nickname "Lil' Smokie", I would make a minimal effort to become their friend.
-When you have a paper plate full of food at a potluck, and you finish your Smokies, there's always plenty of BBQ dipping sauce left for your other items.
-I own a crock-pot. I think it was a shitty X-mas present or something. When the flip am I gonna use a damn crock-pot? Lil' Smokie time, that's when fool!
-Lil' Smokies are easy to digest. (That's probably untrue, but I was running out of ideas)
-3 movies that come to mind when discussing Lil' Smokies - Smokey and the Bandit (1977), Big Trouble in Lil' China (1986), and Lil' Miss Sunshine (2006).
I make my lil' smokies with grape jelly, it's awesome! I'll make some next time you crash on my couch.
i love you....raskin
LMAO that was great, just made me WANT lil' smokies and laugh good job!
I would like to see some suggestions as to what types of sauces you think work best for lil' smokies, besides grape jelly of course... Also, why not some maple syrup?!
Wow, so apparently we're related...? That's totally a picture of MY great grandmother too! I'm glad we are both spreading the word about what a truely amazing woman Mable Dusinghauserton was... I just can't imagine one women who was able to raise 18 children, ghost write for Teddy Roosevelt, own and operate the largest slaughter house this side of the Mississippi and still take the blue ribbon in the county fair every year for her legendary apple crumb cake... Keep singing her praise, brother!
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