It's Wednesday folks, and I'm SUPER PUMPED!!!! The only thing I can think of doing is of course SPREADIN' THAT PUMP throughout the land. So pull up yer PUMPY PANTS, toss back an energy drink, and get ready to rip today a new asshole. LET'S GET OUR PUMP ON!!!
My legs are just a-shakin', that song just jacks me up! Well I guess I never really learned to skate, but if I had, you know my pump-levels would be freegin' sky-high each and every day.
Alright fellow pumpers, dig this... turns out there's a kids inflatable party zone bouncy thingy which can be found on

Thinkin' bout renting one, how pumpy would THAT be??!! Take it from the kids, this thing will pump yer face off. To prove it, the website is just littered with photos of pumpy kids' faces. Since I know you won't click that link above, I'll cover the highlights below. Check it out:
Pretty PUMPED...

Gettin' pumpier... (I imagine this dude sayin' "Aww, daaaaang!!")

Ok, gettin' a serious PUMP-ON now... (notice how the folks at are subtly covering their bases by including as many races as they can... this inflatable party thingy does not discriminate! [as long as you are a kid with a pumpy face])

WOW, this last kid is just retardedly PUMPED UP like whoa!! This kid looks like the Tooth Fairy had just farted into his mouth and it tasted like magic.

PICTURE PUMP!!! A pumpy picture is worth a thousand words. Check this, and feel those pump levels a-risin'!! STAR WARS ROCK BAND! I just love that C-3PO and R2D2 are holdin' down the keys in the background...

Ok, now I know I've been talking a lot about the upcoming epic summer (here and here), but seriously, how awesome will it be to finally get to go to the beach or the pool and just get awesome?!?
If there is sand, it's a beach.
If it's a beach, there'll be boobs.
If there are sandy boobs, it's a party.

Reminds me of last summer, when my good buddy Jose ate 11 Creamsicles, chugged half a bottle of Jose Cuervo (which is ironic in itself, since his name is Jose), then decided to jump in the pool.

Yeah yeah I know Jose looks different in each photo there, put c'mon, I used what I had (thanks Google Image search). It's a true story nonetheless. Sorta. PUMP!
Ok I'm sure you have some real pumpin' to do out there in the real world, so for this final bit lets take a trip down memory lane... all the way back to the beginning of this post. If you didn't watch the first video, PUMP DOWN to you my friend. But I'll give ya another chance. Another super-pumpy skate video, but in this one, everybody wipes out, every time. I always cringe when I watch this, but it's SO DAMN PUMPY.
As you're rockin' out today, remember... sometimes when you try to PUMP TOO HARD, you FAIL. You land on yer face. NEGA-PUMP. You may get battered and bruised, but just get back up, dust yerself off, and keep bringin' it hard. Happy Wednesday, and HAPPY HUMP DAY PUMP UP!!!!
1 comment:
High quality pumpage going on today, thank you!
Did your friend really vomit in the pool?
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