Today's HUMP DAY PUMP UP is short and sweet. And extremely flamboyant.
A coworker sent me this lil' gem of a clip, and I'll just flat out go ahead and say it, it's the gayest thing I've ever seen. No, I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, but seriously, watch this clip with a straight (haha) face. I DARE you!
(oh, also, YouTube wouldn't let me embed this sucker in the blog, so you're going to have to do some actual work today and click the link. I know half of you won't, cause you're lazy, and sucky, but for the other half, you will be greatly rewarded with LOL's. I promise.)
And for all the lazy, sucky people who didn't just click that link, well... yeah, I guess I'm kinda lazy and sucky today too, I don't really blame ya. This HDPU really isn't my best effort, I'll be honest. But you DID come to visit, expecting to get PUMPED, so I've gotta provide you with SOMETHING. Anything. Um, okay, here, take a look at some crazy weird horse photos. Yeah, that's the ticket. Look at those CRRRRAZY horses! Man, that gets me pumped!

Oh those silly horses. Yep, that's it folks, that's all I can muster today. Try to make the most out of it.
Oh shit, BONUS PUMP!! I wasn't going to add this, but a classic joke just popped into my brain, that kinda ties this PUMP UP all together...
"What do you feed a gay horse??"
Answer: "Haaaaay!!!"
...hmmm, okay, I think that joke didn't go over so well typed out. I really think you need the limp-wristed visual to get the full affect. Welp, you're in luck! Here's my friend (and by 'friend' I just mean some hilariously retarded dude I found on YouTube) performing the aforementioned classic joke. Half-assedly.
Haha, what's with that editing between the joke and punchline? Was that really necessary? And why would anyone record that and put it on the internet?!? I don't know. But then again, look at this blog LOL. I'm not really contributing much to society either.
I've never said this before...but this pump up kind of depressed me. I don't know if it can even be called a pump-up? More like a pump-down.
Did you drink 10 McCafe's and a 5 hour energy before this, because it sure didn't feel like it. What the fuck Dusick. I come here for laughs, and you give me a horse with 2 fucking legs. You owe me a drink tomorrow for this.
lol @ the horse with his head in the tree. double lol @ the retard with the horse joke (not you, the goof in the video). lol
i don't like the two legs either...
They hhaaaaayy was my favorite. I pictured the joke in my head when you typed it- however that video was pretty awesome never the less haha. 97% sure that guy lives in Wisconsin
interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter.
I need to clarify one thing here. I didn't come not come here to get pumped, that's for sure. The stuff you have here is plain disturbing and sick.That is why I decided to sacrifice a moment of my life, to tell you that. Wow...
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