First off... you all know how I just GOTS ta have my McPUMP on a HUMP DAY! I'm talkin bout a ridiculously Large sized Iced Coffee, yo. Nothing gets those energy levels a-risin' and those bowels a-movin' like these McCafe drinks!
BUT HOLD THE PHONE... BONUS PUMP!!! As I was just enjoying my too-large-for comfort caffeine treat, I stumbled across this on the interwebz...
Tell McDonalds McCafe your coffee story and you could be in to win!
Ever had anything truly strange, mindblowing, life-changing happen over a cup of coffee? Ever drunk a coffee in an amazing place? Or shared some beans with someone really famous?
Tell us your best coffee story by emailing coffee@tvnz.co.nz
The Breakfast crew will choose three winners each week until December 11, who will each take away a $50 McCafe voucher.
WHOA! "Ever had anything truly strange, mindblowing, life-changing happen over a cup of coffee? "... How about EVERY GODDAMN WEDNESDAY?!?! I think it's about time the fine pump-creators at McDonalds hear about HDPU. I just know it will jack them up beyond belief to the point where they will just keep sending me vouchers for McCafe shit, and I in turn will just keep gettin' more PUMPED, and they'll keep sending MORE coupons, and... FULL PUMP CYCLE!!!
Ok, whew. The thought of winning all that pumpage just got me so damn pumped. Let's move on. LOLz I love this random pic, so creepy strange. WTF PUMP!!!

Actually let's keep the WTF pumps goin' with this kid, gently nuzzled up next to a giant old man-seal thing. DEAR GOD, this freaks the shit outta me, but regardless, it gets me AMPED just the same! MANatee PUMP!!!

Finally, what would Wenesday be without GRAVY?? Well, uh, you don't have to answer that, I was just trying to intro this next clip, and really didn't have any good ideas. Sorry about that, please don't let it affect your PUMP.
Oh Oh Oh, I almost forgot, IT'S VETERAN'S DAY, so be sure to honor and pay tribute to anyone you may know (or not know) who's served our country, the most PUMPED UP country in the world, the US of A! Wave that freedom flag high today my friends, let that American pride surge through your veins, and KEEP ON PUMPIN' ON!!!

1 comment:
Just what I needed!!!! You are a master of the PUMP!
Miss you...
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