First of all, they're way more fun to eat. The crisp SNAP you get when you bite off a hunk, man, it's so satisfying. And you can hear a grown man eating a BIG CARROT from a mile away. "CRRRUNNCHH!!" Then when you eat most of the BIG CARROT and you get towards the end, it's like a little game...how close can you get to the gross end of the carrot? Can you get one more bite in before you've reached that dirty gross stalk knobby part??
Second, for some reason they remind me of a better time. I don't know, it just feels more organic, natural... like pulling a fresh carrot out from the ground in Grandma's garden when I was a kid. There are things to reminisce whilst eating a BIG CARROT, and ya just don't get that from those smooth, slimy lil' baby carrots. Seriously, try it. Get a big ol' carrot and snap off a bite, see where your mind wanders...
Thirdly, um... I really don't have any more reasons to eat BIG CARROTS. I don't even know why I started this post. Jeezus, big carrots?!?! What the hell am I even talkin' about?
Please do your part today in assisting in the BIG CARROT REVOLUTION. Spread the word, tell your coworkers...we're bringin' BIG CARROTS back for good.
Oh, also, I found this pic...

big carrots are good but you have to wash and peel them! i enjoy the ease of slipping my hand into a zippered bag of clean carrots. why dont they do that with the big ones?!
HOLY SHIT! I was at Ryan Damien's house last night and in his fridge he had a bag of BIG CARROTS. I asked if I could have one and he said YES. He said he feels like Bugs Bunny when he eats them and leaves the tops on. SO. Today I went to the grocery store and I bought BIG CARROTS TOO. And I ate two of them. While eating them I turned to Dave and said "I love big carrots. They tast SO MUCH BETTER than little baby carrots. Thos things have no taste. These are so tasty!"
lol this reminds me of when ashley was teaching you how to put makeup on a pulled a carrot out of her makeup bag instead of mascara.
also i have a bag of baby carrots on my desk right now.
Sorry- Dus- Fail! Wash and Peel carrots? You'll probably will buy one bag of carrots, wash and peel them and be like "what the hell was I thinking?" Baby carrots, although they do not taste as good, are easier and have revolutionized the carrot industry. I guarantee that you do not buy more than two things of big carrots the rest of the year and one will be for the snowman you build in Dec. Meanwhile, I will probably buy one bag of mini carrots each week for the rest of the year.
Whoa whoa whoa, what is this "wash and peel" crap?? no sir, I eats em straight outta the bag, no wash, no peel. I'm hardcore like that. (ok, maybe a quick rinse).
Condor - that is crazy weird coincidence awesome time there! Great minds think alike. wow, scary.
Whoa. That time with the makeup was weird. I wonder why.
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