Welcome back to the P-Bath, fellow bloggers! Sorry it's been a while, I've had a lot on my plate/mind. Well today started just like any other day, except my PUMPED levels were just "average"... not too pumped, not too un-pumped. So you KNOW sumthin' hadta be done ASAP! Large McCafe? BAM!! pump.

(is that Yoda gettin' pumped back there?? yes.)
Then I started checkin' my email, and wouldn't ya know it? My lil' sis had sent me a multiple paragraph email, chock-full of life updates, memories from our childhood, and extemporaneous pumpage. I LOVE getting long-ass messages, and this one was not just yer average, puny email length. Evidence below. PUMP.
Average Email:

My Sister's Kick Ass Long Email:

Now the real PUMP UP has begun. I can feel the energy just flowin' through my veins, my legs are just a-shakin', holy shit I'M JAZZED AS HELL RIGHT NOW!
Ok, I gotta admit, this might be a selfish HUMP DAY PUMP UP today, but feel free to toke off my energy. After a few short hours of work tomorrow, I'll be embarking on what I like to refer to as "Life Pump Trip '09". I'm goin to get in the car and head West. Needless to say, I'M FUGGIN' PUUUUUUMPED!!!!!!
This may be the PUMPEDEST I've EVER been in my LIFE. I am not shitting you, no lie. Words cannot describe my sky-rocketing pump levels as I sit here, envisioning this trek. Some of you may not give a hoot, I apologize - we'll get back to your regularly scheduled HDPU in 2 weeks. But for now, here's the itinerary for LIFE PUMP TRIP '09:
Thursday 09/03
Depart after work at 4:00PM
Drive as far as you can to Montana.
Sleep somewhere.
Friday 09/04
Depart 7-8am
Drive to campground at Deerlodge National Forest, MT (7hrs)
Spend night in the woods.

Saturday 09/05
Depart 7-8AM
Drive to Spokane, WA
7:30PM - Modest Mouse show @ The Knitting Factory

Sunday 09/06
Depart 7-8AM
Arrive at Vantage Riverside Resort (2.5 hrs)
(Riverfront camping)

6PM: Dave Matthews Band concert at The Gorge Amphitheatre

Monday 09/07
9AM - Drive to Mount Rainier National Park (2 hrs)
Camp Ohanapecosh
Climb a mountain. Enjoy nature. Relax.
Tuesday 09/08
Day 2 at Mt. Rainier. Hiking. Nature. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Wednesday 09/09
7AM drive to Seattle, (2 hrs)
Check into hotel.

Seattle Agenda:
Pike Place Market
Seattle Aquarium
Argosy Cruises - Seattle Harbor Tour
Thursday, 09/10
Experience more SEATTLE
Space Needle
Experience Music Project
Pacific Science Center
(maybe Woodland Park Zoo)
Seattle Pub Crawl

Friday, 09/11 - Saturday 09/12
Head home! drive drive drive.
Sunday, 09/12
3:30PM - Arrive @ Lambeau Field, Green Bay, WI. Immediately start drinking/grilling.
7:00PM - Watch the Packers absolutely CRUSH the Chicago Bears!!

Monday, 09/13
Sleep. Forever.
(or until work on Tuesday)
I couldn't ask for a better Bday/Labor Day/Vaca, so stoked! There may be no Pudding Bath updates for awhile, but maybe I'll check in from the road or something. Ok, enjoy your Wednesday everyone, and remember...
No matter what journey you're on, if you come to a PUMP in the road, TAKE IT!!!
Crista Bell told me about your life journey. I am extremely jealous and happy for you. HAVE AN AWESOME TIME. I expect a million pictures on PB when you return.
Text me if you need life advice :)
this hdpu killed it. have the BEST TIME EVERRRRRRR on your lifequest.
Nothing gets me pumped up more than having my brother write about me on his blog!!! Thanks for the PUMP UP! I really think there should be HDPD theme song. Doesn't everyone need a song to sing to get PUMPED UP?!?! Love you Bro!
Call me weird but I keep asking myself, "I wonder how many #3's Dus-Bag be taking on his Life Pump Trip '09???" If it's not too much to share, I'd probably take a few on a trip by myself across the country!
Adam, this is so awesome. I am so happy for you- and jealous!! wow! Are you going with Nick?
I like that you posted pre pictures of your trip haha
have fun okay-
and I think we should do a trip like that when I get back-- you down?!
Have fun. I miss you!!
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