Ah yes, Florida, hangin' with my main meat man. I started labeling each pic, then I figured, fuck it, a picture is worth a jillion words. Then I thought, well, maybe 16 words: Meat. Whiskey. Grillin'. Swamp. Dinosaurs. Meaty. Boozin'. Jucy Lucy's. Writin' Songs. Meatier. Bird. Beers. THE MEATIEST.
2 dudes just straight up hangin' out, hard.

And for those of you who couldn't give 2 shits about 2 dudes just killin' it, here's another reason to get pumped today...
Sonic offers free root beer floats Wednesday

now i really want a juicy lucy.
easily the meatiest weekend of my life. still can't stop listening to our song. lol, "our song".
These pictures are soooo much better than just hearing about it hahaha
ps I was also pretty thrilled when Condor two called you out last week-- ha ha I had to laugh at that -- and I did notice that week mind you
Cody you are a quick one! Yeah, that reference was to Condor Deuce callin' me out... gosh, you kids are getting sharp these days! Hopefully I can keep the pumped levels up more consistently every Wednesday!
God daammnn that juicy lucy looks amazing!!
Those are DINOSAURS! Fuck yeah.
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